I am writing a daily blog (Monday to Friday probably!)  on preparing spiritually and physically

to lead a Pilgrimage of 100 miles in September.

for details of the Pilgrimage, click on the dropdown Cotwold Pilgrimage bar at the top of this page 



Monday morning.

Dare I step on the scales?

It’s early – I am up soon after the larks, due the church builders crashing into our garden very early. The Vicar slumbers on. He will be Mondayish soon. *

I like an early start.

My mother use to wake me at 6am every morning.

There was hot Ribena when I was small, fresh lemon juice diluted in  hot water when I was a teenage (my choice!)

The command Don’t forget to read your Bible.

That is what is engrained on my mind as I wake daily.

Alas there’s no hot drink presented to me these days and I need coffee.  I take the mug of fragrant liquid and sit on the rocking chair. Open today’s reading on my Kindle.

It’s all very different to 50 or so years ago.


* * * *

We’re in Song of Solomon and then Psalm 45.  Lovers and weddings and beauty and joy.

It feeds my soul.


Inspires my prayers:

May my tongue speak words like the pen of a ready writer  - and may I be the ready writer too. (Psalm 45:1)

May the Lord pour the oil of joy on me, as I continue on this road of healing from the PTSS and depression. (Ps 45:7)

May I be the seal on my husband’s heart and our love unquenchable and strong as death. (SoS 8:6)

And may I continue on the path to physical strength and health so that my body glorifies God and my husband is content with me. (SofS 8:10)


So I stepped on the scales.

One whole pound lower.


* Mondayish: defined by OED as how clergy feel after a busy and demanding Sunday.