I am writing a daily blog (Monday to Friday probably!)  on preparing spiritually and physically

to lead a Pilgrimage of 100 miles in September.

for details of the Pilgrimage, click on the dropdown Cotwold Pilgrimage bar at the top of this page 



The inside of doors of the kitchen cupboards have notes and papers and info stuck randomly across their surface.

To remind me.

I never look at them; I’ve become too accustomed to their presence.

So this morning when an overnight house guest comments on them I see them through new eyes.

And pull them off and scrunch them up.  Decluttering is good, I tell myself.

But one catches the unseeing eye afresh: Boosting the energy levels.  I wonder when I first saw it or pinned it there as a reminder.  When my energy levels were low, lower than they appear to be now.

Probably last year sometime.

I scan the list: ten things to do.

-      get plenty of rest

-      exercise daily

-      drink lots of water

-      eat high energy foods

-      take a good multi-vitamin

-      feed your brain

-      maintain a positive attitude

-      watch your mouth

-      avoid people who deplete you

-      connect with God


It all sounds – admirable; do-able; good advice.

In practice I find a need a certain amount of energy in the first place to decide to do all this.

And maybe the order is upside down.

I shall start by connecting with God. After that everything else will probably fall into place.

It’s a good place to start.

My heart needs to connect with Him constantly.  This morning’s reading in Proverbs reminds me:

Above all, guard your heart for from it flow the springs of life. (4:23)


The springs of life, energy levels, a sense of well-being, it all comes from the ONE who first breathed life into me and sustains me each day by His breath of life.


I’m off to get a glass of water.

And maybe have a nap – after I’ve done today’s 10,000 minimum steps.






I am writing a daily blog (Monday to Friday probably!)  on preparing spiritually and physically

to lead a Pilgrimage of 100 miles in September.

for details of the Pilgrimage, click on the dropdown Cotwold Pilgrimage bar at the top of this page 



Monday morning.

Dare I step on the scales?

It’s early – I am up soon after the larks, due the church builders crashing into our garden very early. The Vicar slumbers on. He will be Mondayish soon. *

I like an early start.

My mother use to wake me at 6am every morning.

There was hot Ribena when I was small, fresh lemon juice diluted in  hot water when I was a teenage (my choice!)

The command Don’t forget to read your Bible.

That is what is engrained on my mind as I wake daily.

Alas there’s no hot drink presented to me these days and I need coffee.  I take the mug of fragrant liquid and sit on the rocking chair. Open today’s reading on my Kindle.

It’s all very different to 50 or so years ago.


* * * *

We’re in Song of Solomon and then Psalm 45.  Lovers and weddings and beauty and joy.

It feeds my soul.


Inspires my prayers:

May my tongue speak words like the pen of a ready writer  - and may I be the ready writer too. (Psalm 45:1)

May the Lord pour the oil of joy on me, as I continue on this road of healing from the PTSS and depression. (Ps 45:7)

May I be the seal on my husband’s heart and our love unquenchable and strong as death. (SoS 8:6)

And may I continue on the path to physical strength and health so that my body glorifies God and my husband is content with me. (SofS 8:10)


So I stepped on the scales.

One whole pound lower.


* Mondayish: defined by OED as how clergy feel after a busy and demanding Sunday.