Are you a church leader? Do you know any church leaders?

A special summer offer of SCENT OF WATER

for churches and their leaders

Do you ever wonder what to say or what to give to someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one?

Or perhaps you have a Grief Support group who need helpful resources?

Either way, maybe you’d like something to give to the bereaved to whom you minister, to show the love and care of you and/or your church, and to give them something helpful in the first few weeks and months of their grief.

Endorsed by Debbie Thrower and used by The Anna Grief Chaplaincy, "SCENT OF WATER - words of comfort in times of grief" is a lovely gift book to give, to receive, to dip in and out of as you appreciate the words, the pictures, the reflections and the quotes. 

Hardback, with colour photos by Canon Debbie Dewes, it has poems, meditations, daily thoughts, prayers, reflections - set out in a way that's easy to dip into and to use.  It’s also DYSLEXIC-friendly.

And it’s just been nominated for the CHRISTIAN BOOK AWARDS in the Gift/Devotional Category.

I’d like to give you a special offer, just for churches, clergy, pastors and ministers, as many churches are finding it's a valuable and gentle gift to give to those who are grieving, to show love and care and support. A tangible expression of Christian love.

“ The devotions are grouped under headings that could work like topics. They can be read in any order, so you could choose a theme, rather than the next one on the list. Between each week there is a beautiful photograph. Just turning the pages, reading words, prayers and thoughts is soothing in itself.” - Maressa Mortimer, clergy wife



5 copies for £50 (incl p+p for UK; plus p+p for other countries)

Normal retail price is £15 per copy

Payment is by BACS and can be invoiced. Simply email me with your order.

I would also be happy to send you a complimentary digitally-printed hardback copy to peruse if you’d like to see it before purchasing.

And do pass this on to others you know for whom it would be helpful. Thank you.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Matching cards are also available - blank inside, with a plain white envelope

50p per card when ordered with books.


Does love mean never having to say you're sorry?

and - a Valentine's Day special offer for you right at the end  .....



 It’s the famous line from the 1970 film, “Love Story” which Vanity Fair magazine later judged to be one of the 25 greatest love stories the movies ever told. The American Film Institute ranked it  number 9 in the most romantic films list. 
“Love Story” has its 50th anniversary this year – really? How ever is it 50 years since I sat and sobbed through this film?

The anniversary is being celebrated in movie theatres in the US this February. How romantic is that! And we will all be reminded that love means never having to say you’re sorry. 
 Is that it? Is that true love?  Love means never having to say you’re sorry?

I know from personal experience that the phrase must be one of the worst things to believe or practice, one of the saddest definitions ever of love. 
Because I find apologising, saying sorry, to my nearest and dearest one of the most difficult things to do, I’ve relied on that phrase to see me through. Oh, I may not have really believed you never have to say sorry to those you love; but I certainly acted as if it I believed it. They love me, I reasoned to myself; they understand me. They forgive me, I’m sure, or they’ll know I didn’t mean it.
Life goes on and we’ll be fine.
Except we weren’t.
Things began to go wrong in my marriage, and I took it for granted that we had a good marriage and that after all those great years, loving years, nothing could touch us.
Well, it did, as you know if you’ve read my book, “Walking Back to Happiness.”  And so we separated…..

To read more, hope on over on this link:

Want to do a long walk – from the comfort of your armchair? 
WARNING: reading this could change your life!

Click HERE to order your signed copy of

Screenshot 2020-02-06 18.23.37.jpeg

I'm speaking at a number of events during 2020 - click here for full details
and if you'd  like me to come and speak at your event, contact me here.

Not One But Two Special things - and one is free!

Not one but TWO special items today - a thank you for your support, encouragement and readership  over the past months.  You are very much appreciated.  The first is a gift for you this weekend only  WALKING BACK TO HA…

Not one but TWO special items today -
a thank you for your support, encouragement and readership 
over the past months. 
You are very much appreciated.

The first is a gift for you this weekend only

(the story of walking right across France to help restore a broken marriage) is

FREE to download on the Kindle today.

Perhaps download it for free now;
and save it to read and savour after the
busy-ness of Christmas?

A whole book to read for no cost. 

Happy Christmas!

Part travelogue, part memoir, this is a book to enjoy from your armchair! Easy to read, even for those with dyslexia, and with colour photos included.


Hop over to this link to download it on to your device

And the Second special offer,
also this weekend.
Perhaps a good stocking filler?
Or might solve some Christmas
present dilemmas? 

Two signed copies of
Walking Back to Happiness for just £20

(RRP £12.99 each)

Available online only here

Sending Christmas greetings to you.
This Christmas may you know 
God's Greatest Gift to be your Greatest Joy

- Penelope x