Does love mean never having to say you're sorry?

and - a Valentine's Day special offer for you right at the end  .....



 It’s the famous line from the 1970 film, “Love Story” which Vanity Fair magazine later judged to be one of the 25 greatest love stories the movies ever told. The American Film Institute ranked it  number 9 in the most romantic films list. 
“Love Story” has its 50th anniversary this year – really? How ever is it 50 years since I sat and sobbed through this film?

The anniversary is being celebrated in movie theatres in the US this February. How romantic is that! And we will all be reminded that love means never having to say you’re sorry. 
 Is that it? Is that true love?  Love means never having to say you’re sorry?

I know from personal experience that the phrase must be one of the worst things to believe or practice, one of the saddest definitions ever of love. 
Because I find apologising, saying sorry, to my nearest and dearest one of the most difficult things to do, I’ve relied on that phrase to see me through. Oh, I may not have really believed you never have to say sorry to those you love; but I certainly acted as if it I believed it. They love me, I reasoned to myself; they understand me. They forgive me, I’m sure, or they’ll know I didn’t mean it.
Life goes on and we’ll be fine.
Except we weren’t.
Things began to go wrong in my marriage, and I took it for granted that we had a good marriage and that after all those great years, loving years, nothing could touch us.
Well, it did, as you know if you’ve read my book, “Walking Back to Happiness.”  And so we separated…..

To read more, hope on over on this link:

Want to do a long walk – from the comfort of your armchair? 
WARNING: reading this could change your life!

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