Myers-Briggs.  You either love it or hate it!  Or the Enneagram; or Florence Littauer; or any other personality plus or temperament type. This was circulating on SM the other day: did you find yourself?

So often we are told how to pray - or even when to pray - and it seems that 'one size fits all.'  For years and years, I knew that I had to have a 'Quiet Time' every morning - half an hour set aside first thing, to read my Bible (using the prescribed daily notes) and pray. It was a good routine and an excellent habit.  It suits many people. The days I did that and could tick it off my 'to do' list were good ones. Time with God - check. Now I can get on with the rest of the day.

But it set me up for failure; for guilt and more guilt as I failed day after day. I got behind and then had so many days to catch up it hardly seemed worth it. The questions in the Notes did not seem to elicit the 'right' answers from me.  I would start again - on January 1st; on a Monday; my birthday, the first of the month. Sometimes it worked and I carried on. Sometimes it did not.

Now I can tell you that there are so many other ways to pray, to read the Bible, to connect with God. No longer do I tick the Quiet Time off my to do list and move on. Instead,  I want to practice the Presence of God throughout the day.

Over the past weeks we've looked at a thirty second retreat, a one minute retreat, a day retreat, even a 10 day silent retreat.

For those who are quieter introverts, happy  with their own company, a retreat can work very well.

But what if you are a madly extroverted extrovert? How would you best spend time in prayer? What helps you connect most with the Lord?

I would love to hear from different personalities!

What's your personality? And what's most helpful for you in spending time with God? Where do you connect best? What sort of retreats (if any) do you find most helpful? What suggestions can you make for those with your personality/temperament type?

One tip to make a difference to your day

I am writing a daily blog (Monday to Friday)  on preparing spiritually and physically

to lead a Pilgrimage of 100 miles in September.

for details of the Pilgrimage, click on the dropdown Cotswold Pilgrimage bar at the top of this page 



What can you do that could make a vast difference to you today?


It could well be this 30 second retreat suggested by

Jim Kochenburger  yesterday on Facebook:

Stop. Breathe. Thank God for two things... (Phil 4:6)

Did you see it yesterday and do it? It seems such a small amount of time– smaller even than the one minute retreat.

Can it really make such a difference?


So I stopped.

Took a deep breath.

And gave God thanks for two things.


It did make a difference and I am glad that I did it. But it also felt a little paltry. Just 30 seconds, God, that’s all I can spare right now.

Maybe the minute felt like that for you - almost rudely short. But then I thought about one of my little granddaughters, running up to me, throwing her arms around me (or more precisely, my legs) giving me a hug and running off again.

Precious.      Brief.      Heartfelt.

Something I love and which means so much to me.  And to the Heart of the Father - a quick looking to Him, a moment of love and gratitude to Him.

It touches the heart of the loved one so very deeply.


You may not be able to go on a Pilgrimage. Nor even go away on a 24 hour retreat.

But anyone can stop, anywhere, and give God thanks for 30 seconds.


Have you done it now?

Try it and see what happens.


And then let me know what you think.

Was it helpful? How did it feel?


Who else might you suggest it to?



How to learn one thing about blogging

I am writing a daily blog (Monday to Friday)  on preparing spiritually and physically

to lead a Pilgrimage of 100 miles in September.

for details of the Pilgrimage, click on the dropdown Cotswold Pilgrimage bar at the top of this page 



How are your blogging skills?

Have you thought about writing a blog?

Last September, as part of my Happiness Project ( I decided to learn to blog and tweet.

According to Livehappier, “When we stop learning we stop living. Most people are happier when they learn new things” ( and I needed more happiness. So I began to engage more with social media.

I did it my way. Learned a little from family and friends. Picked up hints and tips from people I met. Copied what others did.

And to a certain extent, it works.

Then yesterday I decided to take a day to read and research about blogging. It’s never ending – there is a lot of information available out there to help you on your way.

But what was most noticeable was the reaction to my blog posting yesterday morning.  I asked for comments and suggestions and help in my day’s project.  And people have been very kind and very helpful.

One friend, Anita, whom I met through social media and had lunch with last week,  has even written a whole blog post to help me.

The best thing I have discovered about social media is the sense of community, the relationships, the help and the generosity.

Whether it’s meeting with people (and I’ve met a number of twitter friends face to face, both in the UK and the USA, over the past three months - what joy!)

or downloading freebies

or even a free webinar tonight (

there is a spirit of reaching out and being generous that I have not really experienced anywhere else.

Not even in church.

* * * *

So I’m glad that I blogged my resources for retreats because I want to help people to be able to spend deeper time with the Lord.

ideas for a 24 hour retreat

thoughts on a 10 day silent retreat

special places to go for a Retreat

A one minute retreat anywhere anytime


And today I want to urge you to do one or more of those - 

To spend some time alone with God.

To BE in His Presence.

Even if it’s just a minute.


It’s my gift to you.

* * * *

And I want to learn this lesson.

To give.

Not expecting anything in return.

Just because it is more blessed to give than to receive.

* * * *


Thank you for what you are giving me.

I hope I can give a little in return.