One tip to make a difference to your day

I am writing a daily blog (Monday to Friday)  on preparing spiritually and physically

to lead a Pilgrimage of 100 miles in September.

for details of the Pilgrimage, click on the dropdown Cotswold Pilgrimage bar at the top of this page 



What can you do that could make a vast difference to you today?


It could well be this 30 second retreat suggested by

Jim Kochenburger  yesterday on Facebook:

Stop. Breathe. Thank God for two things... (Phil 4:6)

Did you see it yesterday and do it? It seems such a small amount of time– smaller even than the one minute retreat.

Can it really make such a difference?


So I stopped.

Took a deep breath.

And gave God thanks for two things.


It did make a difference and I am glad that I did it. But it also felt a little paltry. Just 30 seconds, God, that’s all I can spare right now.

Maybe the minute felt like that for you - almost rudely short. But then I thought about one of my little granddaughters, running up to me, throwing her arms around me (or more precisely, my legs) giving me a hug and running off again.

Precious.      Brief.      Heartfelt.

Something I love and which means so much to me.  And to the Heart of the Father - a quick looking to Him, a moment of love and gratitude to Him.

It touches the heart of the loved one so very deeply.


You may not be able to go on a Pilgrimage. Nor even go away on a 24 hour retreat.

But anyone can stop, anywhere, and give God thanks for 30 seconds.


Have you done it now?

Try it and see what happens.


And then let me know what you think.

Was it helpful? How did it feel?


Who else might you suggest it to?




I am writing a daily blog (Monday to Friday)  on preparing spiritually and physically

to lead a Pilgrimage of 100 miles in September.

for details of the Pilgrimage, click on the dropdown Cotwold Pilgrimage bar at the top of this page 


I love the way that social media can impact life in positive ways. Idly flicking through tweets and postings just now, I was attracted to two quotes. They will each affect my life today.

"The way to life - to God! - is vigorous and requires total attention."
 (Matthew 7:14, The Message)

“Trying to do the Lord's work in your own strength is the most confusing, exhausting, and tedious of all work. But when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then the ministry of Jesus just flows out of you.”  Corrie Ten Boom


Whether preparing for a Pilgrimage

or doing the Lord’s work each day

or just being who God meant us to be

requires total attention.


But trying to do it in our own strength is draining and de-energising.

Learning to open up to the grace-filling of the Spirit leads us to a whole new level of energy and enthusiasm and in-God-ness.

* * * *

Yesterday I had a gentle, be-kind-to-yourself kind of morning.

Then I popped up to Cambridge for the afternoon. Dropped into the University Library to see the amazing Shelf Lives Exhibition. Had tea with an old friend not seen for some time. More tea with my father-in-law’s first cousin, an expert on Antartica and still dropping into the South Pole occasionally even though he’s 85.

And Charles, he talked about all the things he has done and is still doing. Even at 85.

If I am to carry on with the Lord’s work until 85 and beyond – and my mother was still practicing in-God-ness at 90 to her full capacity – then I need that daily grace filling, energizing filling of the Spirit.

A daily Pentecost.

Inspired, possessed, filled.

By, in, for,  GOD.


enthousiasmos (Gk) possessed by God, inspired

inspirare (Latin) breathe or blow into, originally used of a divine being


Breathe into me, Holy Spirit and possess me until I am inspired and enthused. For you.