Can you do this? Can you walk with me?

He sets his face that way, resolutely begins to walk.

The road ahead of him is straight and narrow.












As is mine.

I walked along the Fosse Way this morning.

Song of birds

Azure skies

Bees and primroses

Blossom and cut grass










As I walk his voice calls.

Can you do this? Can you walk with me?

Yes, if it's blossom and beauty all the way.










Then Jesus told them Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you... put your trust in the light while you have it so you may become children of light (John 12:35)

Yes Lord.  I can walk like this with you.

Hand-in-hand with you.


Yes, he said.  You can.

But when it's hard when it's difficult when it's dry - what then?

Can you walk with me in those tough times?











As he approached Jerusalem he wept over it. If you, even you, had only known ..the days will come ... they will encircle you and hem you in on every side.  (Luke 19: 41)


Yes Lord.  That's how it feels sometimes. How it often feels these past months.

Tears and sorrows

Hard and dry days

But you understand that Lord don't you? You know what it's like to walk in sorrow.

You knew the worst lay ahead.


Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced.

Therefore I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. (Isaiah 50:7)


You were resolute set determined.

Called by your Father to walk this way, determined to do his will.










Maybe you saw spring as you walked.

Maybe there was beauty all around.

But you knew.  You knew.


Can I walk with you?

So often I ask for you to walk with me.

But maybe that's the wrong way round.

I CAN walk with you: MAY I?


May I know that privilege, hear your voice calling as you walk:

Come walk with me.


Let him who walks in the dark who has no light trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God. (Isaiah 50:10)