Leave a mark - and win a free Retreat!

Time capsules. Weird or wonderful? Worth doing or will they rot  - or be unintelligible in decades to come? We are thinking of burying one beneath the floorboards. And as the floor boards are about to be refurbished and relaid, it's time to think of what might be encapsulated.

various rooms as they are at the moment! 

Photos of how it was before we started? they might fade.

A Memory stick? it might be unreadable or uncomprehensible.

So what would you put into our time capsule - what legacy might we leave to be discovered in another 100 years or so? Things that would show future generations that this is a special place, of spiritual sanctuary for those in need of space and solace, of finding time for God again, for rest and renewal and refreshment? 

Scripture verses? Maybe a Bible? Descriptions of the Retreats?

Have a think and leave a comment!

And while you are thinking, think too about our Preview (free!) Retreats for this summer - we have had an amazingly high number of enquiries and application forms are coming thick and fast so if you want to apply, send yours in very soon! Here are the details in case you missed them: an invite to join us as our guests.

The Vine @ Mays Farm will be opening September 2013. We want our Time Capsule filled and buried next week though - so jot down your suggestions and we will let you know what we choose, and post some photos!

And, the best suggestion will win a FREE NIGHT OF RETREAT, to be taken during September this year, as one of our first retreatants! (Entries will be judged by the Ministries by Design Board of Trustees and staff) Competition closes on April 2nd 2013.

We'd love that you be YOU - so get creative and think of what to put in the Mays Farm Time Capsule!