... to a day in the Cotswolds!
Lots of people have kindly said they want to come and help get Mays Farm ready for the new ministry - that they were disappointed not to be able to come on April 1st - asking when there would be another hands-on-and-help day. You are so kind! And you are right - there is a lot to be done before the house will be ready to receive the first retreat guests! (details of this summer's retreats HERE) The exciting news at the moment is that work is progressing well - the floors are going down and the underfloor heating put in.
underfloor heating in the kitchen
And the walls are being stripped ready for decorating - this beautiful paper was found in one room:
So if you like stripping and discovering ... or weeding and recovering ...
If you'd like to help bury the time capsule ....
then you are invited to come to one (or both!) of the next work days:
Arrive from 9.30, stay til .... as late as you like! Unlimited tea/coffee/snacks etc will be provided; there's a pub, a village stores and a vintage tea shop in the village so plenty of places for sustenance and rest (or bring a picnic!).
The walled garden
We'll adjourn to the pub for supper in the evening.
And while you work, enjoy the peace and tranquillity of this special place.
Take time to laugh with friends old and new.
Spend some moments praying for the ministry here.
Ride the tractor ..
Enjoy the beauty:
Might you come? Bring a friend?
Please RSVP to
And if you're unable to come - might you still pray? More is wrought by prayer that this world ever dreams of - and there is much need for prayer
- for protection and power
- for the Lord to be at work in the lives of those who will come here for spiritual sanctuary and renewal
- for this to become one of those special places where God's Presence is almost tangible.
Hope you can come and draw aside from every day life for a while! Let me know when you are coming and Gracie and I will be here to greet you. See you real soon, as our American friends say.