Are you searching for sanity already?
Are we all going to go mad - either through utter loneliness or boredom or over-work? Through fear or anxiety or depression?
We don’t have to!
I’ve recently been writing about some ideas for these strange times, to help us readjust, make the most of the unexpected time suddenly available to many of us. But not all, I know. Some are working harder than ever – you might find this helpful, the first of this series on making the most of just a few seconds. Or the next one for those with oodles of unexpected time - on creating rhythm in these uncertain times.
And for all of us – at any place, at any time. Whether we are self-isolating and all alone, or stressed and overworked as an essential worker (essential workers, you are loved and we are all SO grateful for all you are doing for the rest of us) or stuck at home with a houseful of children needing to be home schooled when you once vowed never ever to home school your kids …
photo from Alamy
We all could do with one of these:
Do anything meaningful in just one minute?
Yes. You can – YOU can.
Take just a minute, anywhere, anytime, and RETREAT into God and His promises.
Susannah Wesley had 17 children. She homeschooled. Ran the parish (her husband, the Vicar was often in prison for outspoken preaching). Her house burned down (twice).
She is reported to have had daily times alone with the Lord in the middle of all the chaos - she apparently just threw her voluminous apron over her head, and the children knew not to interrupt her for those few precious moments. (Of course, if you have that many children, the elder ones look after the younger ones … in theory, any way) You might need to get hold of a voluminous aron. Or lock yourself in the bathroom for a few moments.
Image by Stonegable
Here’s a suggestion:
Stop. Do something different. Turn away from whatever you were just doing, put down the pen, turn off the computer, move your hands …. You might like to place them palms up, resting gently on your knees if you’re sitting, then close your eyes and take a deep breath.
And another deep breath.
Go somewhere else – mentally. In your mind’s eye, go somewhere beautiful, peaceful, life giving, that means something to you – a favourite beach, a mountain top, a woodland track ….
As you do so, give thanks to the Lord – for He is good and His love endures forever. (Ps 118:1-3)
Allow yourself to BE in His love. Accept it. It’s always there for you, surrounding you and holding you and accepting you. Relax into it. Drop the shoulders, ease the neck, straighten the back …. relax!
Another deep breath.
And as you breath out, cast all your cares on the Lord – for He cares for you.(1Peter 5:7) Imagine throwing something – a stone into the water, a rock over the edge of the cliff, a heavy branch hurled away from you. Mentally turn your back on it and thank Him that He can deal with all of that as long as you leave it all with Him. So leave it with Him.
A deep breath. You are continuing in His love, your cares are left with Him, you can relax.
Now think about what you are returning to. It lies ahead of you. But you know that you are in His love, your cares have been left with Him. And now He tells you, Don’t worry about the future. Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life …. Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? (Matt: 6:25-27)
Commit what lies ahead to Him, for “I know who holds the future, and He holds it in His hands…. I do not know the course ahead, What joys and griefs are there. But one stands near who fully knows, I'll trust His loving care.”
Another deep breath. And as you breath in, take in the power of the Holy Spirit. I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you …. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:6-8)
Gently come back to whatever you were previously doing, thanking God for what you have just experienced of Him.
Take it with you as you continue today.
And know that a one minute retreat can be made anywhere at any time. It’s free, quick, easy – and soul restoring.
Thank God that there are so many minutes available each day!
What are you doing to keep in His Presence regularly? To maintain intimacy with Him in these weird times?
What might you do in a moment of retreat?
One person tried and sent me her photos … we agreed she needed the 18th C voluminous white apron we had each visualised!
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Needing something to read and take your mind off the current situation?
How about a walk right across France - from the comfort of your own armchair!
“I have been on three walks/pilgrimages with Penelope, two in England and one in the Finger Lakes of New York State. Each time I was amazed at her strength, insight and ability to teach and inspire along the way. Walking Back to Happiness gave me the opportunity to see her present herself in a more vulnerable way and just added more to my admiration of Penelope as a Christian, wife and friend. I loved the descriptions of Kim and Penelope’s walking experiences, villages, people they met and food they ate. I loved this book and recommend it to anyone who wants to see what can be accomplished if one sets ones mind (and body!) to it.” - KP, on Amazon