The Art of Hospitality ...

….. or how to make people feel at home when you wish they were.

A Place at The Table - Miranda Harris and Jo Swinney.

This is a beautiful (hardback) book and is featured in The Big Church Read over the next few weeks  - there are 6 videos to download, discussion questions and more. To watch the video of Jo introducing the book, click HERE.

And if you like reading more about authors and their books, you can find photos, recipes, stories and more on the book's website

I was privileged to know Miranda and her husband Peter a little; and now Jo, their daughter. This book is an evocative and emotional and deeply moving read; it has extracts from Miranda's journals, Bible studies by Jo, Miranda's writings about the art of hospitality and how and why it's so important. 

"Rooted in the story of the Christian environmental conservation charity, A Rocha, and the life of its late co-founder, Miranda Harris, ‘A Place At The Table’ is a profound reflection on hospitality and the transformative power of community.

Miranda Harris' tragic death in 2019 sent a shockwave across the globe to those closest to her and the many who found her approach to hospitality and community a life-long inspiration. Her daughter Jo Swinney honors her mother’s dedication to a life of community and fellowship with ‘A Place At The Table’—pairing her own words with her mother’s writings and exploring how sharing food is at the heart of a shared life.

Now you can journey with Jo through ‘A Place At The Table’ with 6 exclusive videos and discussion questions, all available for FREE on the Big Church Read." - from The Big Church Read

Click HERE for the link

The book takes us through the stages of a meal and the weekly videos follow the same progression -

Session 1 - Chapter 1 Hunger

Session 2 - Chapter 2 Preparation

Session 3 - Chapter 3 Welcome

Session 4 - Chapter 4 At the table

Session 5 - Chapter 5 The clean-up

Session 6 - Chapter 6 The forever feast


Links for the hardback and the kindle editions:

And if you sign up to receive my monthly emails (on that annoying pop-up menu!) there’s a free signed hardback copy available for one lucky reader! You need to sign up by 3pm BST on Sunday Sept 25th so hurry and do it now! You’ll also receive some other free downloadables and special offers so don’t miss out on those!