I am writing a daily blog (Monday to Friday)  on preparing spiritually and physically

to lead a Pilgrimage of 100 miles in September.

for details of the Pilgrimage, click on the dropdown Cotswold Pilgrimage bar at the top of this page 



I followed a path that day.

In pale, golden, dew-drenched morning. Following where it went.


The path led me on, beckoned me.

Took me between beautiful old buildings, stretched out enticingly, looked so easy to walk.

Undulated gently at my feet.



I walked.

Walked enjoying walking, filled with the sense of purpose and pleasure, pleased to stride on in freedom and rhythm.


Then –  the path twisted. Hid what was around the corner. Took off uphill.

Barred the way with a stile to climb.




I followed.


Onwards and upwards.


The sign pointed down

down across the field.


The path was but a footprint of previous walkers

a mark in the grasses

wet with dew

hard to follow.


And it seemed to end at the far trees, looming and dark and unknown because unseen.



But still the sign pointed me on.

In trepidation I followed, trusting the sign and its pointing finger.

IS this is the way to go?


Straight on.




And so through the leaves, sunlight, dappled on the path, illuminating the way, joyful in my heart.

Leading my feet to the rough staircase

up through the woods

on to my home.




Thank you Lord

For the pathway I tread -

marked out by You

pointed by Your finger.

Sometimes it’s liberating and free and easy.

Sometimes it winds and twists. All but disappears.

Goes uphill and threatens to overcome me

with its foreboding and unknown.

But You walk this Way before me

beside me

behind me.

My Signpost




Friend and companion along the Way


Oh let me see your Footsteps and in them plant mine own.


The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.       Psalm 32:8 (NLT)