I've just finished reading a gorgeous debut novel by Joy Margetts and am excited to have her as my guest today, talking about her journey of healing and hope. I've been reading about and studying HOPE a lot recently, ever since the New Year. You may have seen my social media posts about HOPE, choosing to pitch my tent in the land of hope, the thrill of hope - and don't we all need HOPE right now? Discovering and reading a book where the theme is a journey of hope has brought me enormous joy and I thought you'd enjoy it too.
Joy has a free signed copy to send to one of my readers - keep reading for info on how to have your name included to be in with a chance ….
Joy writes:
‘Impossible to read without encountering hope’
I was so thrilled by these words, written by one of the very first people to read my book The Healing. He was a dear retired pastor friend who I had nervously approached to read and endorse the book. His words now appear inside the book, and on its back cover. I was thrilled because I very much wanted my book to carry a message of hope.
My own story is reflected in much of the story of the main character of the book, Philip de Braose. Except of course he is a world wearied mediaeval knight, and I am a fifty -something mother of two. But like Philip, I have had to take a journey, from despair to hope, from brokenness to redemptive healing. So much of what Philip learns, particularly from the wise words of his new friend, the Cistercian brother Hywel, are things that God has lovingly and gently taught me, or in some cases reminded me of, during my own journey of healing.
When I was at my lowest point, when every part of my life seemed to have been torn apart by the effects of an unexpected and debilitating illness, I fought the very real fight against despair. A good friend, my brother Hywel, lovingly reminded me that I had a choice. I knew God. I knew the Word of God and His promises. I had to choose in that moment to believe what God had said to me, and about me; to trust Him for my present and for my future, and to choose hope over despair. So that I did. Daily. Some days it was an act of will, devoid of any emotion, but it began to take effect. I went back to the word of God and found promises, and claimed them for myself. One really important one for me was Jer 31:3
‘I have loved you with an everlasting love. Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you. Again I will build you and you will be rebuilt’ (NKJV)
I knew in my Spirt that this was a promise for me. God never leaves us in ash heaps. His desire is always to turn our ashes into beauty and our mourning into joy. I chose to believe His promise, that He would rebuild the ruins of my life into something beautiful for Him. Just making that choice to choose hope became the key to the rest of my healing journey.
In The Healing, Brother Hywel has the same advice for Philip,
‘…Now, Philip, I am urging you to choose hope. You can let the despair take you, or you can choose another way.’
‘How?’ It was a one-word muffled response, forced out from where he lay, his face still covered.
‘I know it seems an impossibility to you, that there could be something better for you than this life here and now. Or a life better than your life that has passed before. But surely choosing to believe there could be is better than believing that there definitely isn’t…’ Hywel paused for a few moments before asking, ‘Have you faith in God?’
‘I did have once.’
‘Then there is definitely hope for you.’
The Bible tells us in Heb 11.1 that this sort of hope requires faith. We use the word ‘hope’ lightly in day to day conversation - ‘ I hope it’s sunny tomorrow’ – but that sort of hope is just wishful thinking. The hope God offers is one based on our faith in Him, a sure certain hope, that He will do all that He has promised. It is a hope we can base our lives on. Choosing hope is choosing to believe, and choosing to believe brings hope! Whatever your situation, I hope you have faith enough to choose to hope today.
Philip chose hope and he began his journey out of despair. The Healing tells his story as he grows in his experience of the healing and restorative power of God. God bit by bit rebuilds his life and gives him a future better than he ever could have imagined.
Just like He has mine.
hit reply, and email me to tell me where you are finding more hope in your life right now.
One person will be randomly selected and Joy will send a free signed copy!
My review on Goodreads:
The young Philip de Braose has escaped his broken and wounded past by becoming a mercenary soldier fighting in France. This lovely book is the story of his journey, his pilgrimage, back to Wales in the company of a Cistercian monk, who rescues him physically, emotionally and spiritually through stories and actions, words and deeds.
Their journey to Wales is beautifully told, in ways that will heal your soul and bring balm to your spirit. It's a pilgrimage of hope, of restoration and renewal; of forgiveness and finding the way home. With a surprising ending.
If you like historical fiction - or actually even if it's not your chosen genre - I'm sure you'll enjoy this gentle yet powerful story, wisely told and engagingly recounted.
I received a free copy, but was under no obligation to give a favourable review. This is my own personal view of The Healing.
* * * * *
The second wonderful book, that also brings hope in hard places, is by my dear friend and former training incumbent, the Revd John Yates.
John writes:
Many years ago I wrote a book specifically for men, a book of guidance about prayer. It grew out of my ministry with men in Falls Church who were learning about Christian manhood and family responsibilities. They wanted to know about prayer, how prayer works and how they could learn to pray. They wanted to know how to pray for themselves and for their families. Unexpectedly the teaching led to a kind of revolution among our men in the area of prayer.
That book went through various editings and printings with different publishers. I moved on to other things and eventually let the book get out of print. I have been surprised however in the last few years that people have continued to ask for it. It seems that some people think the message is still relevant.
So, recently I worked through the book, made some changes and we have re-published it. In all of your relationships and your work for the kingdom you may know some people who would find this book helpful.
Click on the link below to order your copy:
Enjoy your reading!
I'd love to know where you are finding HOPE in your life right now so do hit reply and tell me!
Plus - you can find daily inspiration (well, most days! We're under grace not law, right?!) help and HOPE on the closed Facebook group SPARKLE AND GO DEEPER.
Click here and come over and join us! We're growing in numbers and comments show that people are finding it helpful. There's a free little ebook when you join:
BECOMING YOUR BEST YOU - 6 easy first steps to living your best life
AND ONE MORE BOOK! Last Monday was International Women’s Day and to celebrate, signed vintage copies of my first book, WOMEN BY DESIGN, were on special offer at just £2 each (plus p+p). You can still order at the special price HERE
Next update from me will be the end of March - when hopefully the beginnings of the end of Lockdown in the UK will be nearly upon us! Not that I’m wishing my life away, but don’t we all need to do all we can to hasten the end of the pandemic and the lockdown ….
May you know how lavishly your Heavenly Father loves you,