I took a walk today - one of my usual, quick 4.5 miles in a circle around the local lanes. It’s quick (1 hour 10mins). It’s familiar.

There are pretty places, panoramas, rarely a person. And usually I take a few photos of the beauty to post on social media. I get feed back about the lovely place I live, the glorious walks I can take, how fabulous England is.


I never take photos of the not-so-lovely places I pass. I see the beauty and ignore the bleakness.

Today, it crossed my mind that in nature I only notice the glory. Yet in my life I only notice the gore.

You too?

I look at myself and I see all the faults, all the failures, all the falls.

So today I took photos of the not-so-lovely places I pass, to show you.


As I paused to wield my phone, I reminded myself that yes, there are ugly things in life. I have had times of failure and fall.

AND I have survived, AND I am stronger, AND I am still breathing, AND AND AND

AND … not BUT, AND….

What do you see when you look at yourself? The faults and the failures and the falls? Or the times you picked yourself up, the times you trusted God, the times you helped someone else, how loved you are - by God and by others.

Perhaps it’s not WHAT you see but HOW you see.

See yourself as a beautiful, as loved by God, as AMAZING.

Which direction are you looking - at the gore or the glorious?


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And a few of the posts others have found helpful during these pandemically challenging times