You are needed!


some of the old wall paper we've found! 


                  YOU ARE INVITED:
      An invitation to come to MAYS FARM on Saturday!We will be there to have fun, begin preparation/decorating

work on some of the bedrooms, dig up a few weeds, paint a gazebo ...



TIME: Arrive any time from 9.30am.

Time capsule will be ceremoniously buried at 12.30 just before lunch

Tea/coffee/snacks provided all day, but please bring a packed lunch (or you can visit the village shop or the local watering hole which is called The Star)

Any little help which you can offer will be very much appreciated - and if you can bring any wallpaper strippers/anything to steam wallpaper, strip wallpaper, wash walls, sponges, buckets, sanders .... (and work gloves if you need them) and long long electric extension leads (15m plus) that would help enormously!

We plan to have some fun, sing God's praises as we work, pray for one another .. come and join us as we really begin to see the house come together in time for the start of this new ministry.

8 people are coming so far – so let me know if you’re coming too, and if you need directions.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!