Why August is the new January.

Could July 31st have been the official last day of 2020? 

Could today, August 1st, be the new beginning  - a sort of 2020 2.0?

Don’t we all want to move from a life of this pandemically-induced burnout to a powerful life of purpose and peace. To live as God intended. To be the best YOU that you can be…. more of this below. Because haven’t we all earned a do-over, a second chance at what 2020 might be? It began so well, so hopefully -  roaring into the twenties again, excited at the thought of a new decade, a new opportunity, a new beginning. And before long, it slid out of all recognition. As did we all. 

Who am I now?  aren’t we all wondering?  What am I, without so much that defined me, with all that I’ve lost over these past few months? What’s the point of me?

So maybe this is the only time we get a second chance at a New Year right in the middle of the old one. A chance to restart and reboot; to renew and refresh. To re-activate.

Because don’t we all need re-activating? As the world changes right before our eyes, as we mourn all that we’ve lost over the past weeks, as we long for what used to be normal, it’s so easy to become de-moralised and lost and lethargic. Because this isn’t any year that we recognise. It’s not the world as we’ve known it. We’re not ourselves as we’ve known us to be.

And we wonder where God is in all of this and how knowing him truly makes a difference in the middle of all the mess and chaos and uncertainty. Who am I now needs to be who has God made me to be? 

In the midst of the uncertainty and longing for normal, one thing is certain: God is still God.  God is still a God of love, a God of steadfastness, a God of creativity.  

A God who created you to be YOU. And then threw the template away. You are uniquely made, the only one of you that there is. And you are a gift to the rest of us. You are so worth-while.

Maybe it’s time to remember – or to learn for the first time perhaps -  who God made you to be. To remember how very special you are, how much you are made in God’s image.

To move from a life of this pandemically-induced burnout to a powerful life of purpose and peace. To live as God intended. To be the best YOU that you can be. 

Here’s one way to do that: THE SPICE RETREAT.

THE SPICE RETREAT: becoming the YOU God intended

THE SPICE RETREAT: becoming the YOU God intended

Many of us are hesitating to travel. For whatever reason. So a destination retreat isn’t possible right now.

Let’s retreat TOGETHER for the SPICE RETREAT online.  

By the end of this new online retreat, you’ll know how God made you, you’ll know your best YOU, and you’ll be able to be your best you in everyday life, work and relationships. No matter what is going on around you in this crazy world of ours. 

We’ve all been told that it’s OK not to be OK – and that’s true. But I believe it’s not OK to stay there. When your well-being is stretched to breaking, you need to know who and how God created you, so that you can take the right steps to be OK once again. To be better than just OK. To be your best you.

The SPICE RETREAT is a proven 5-step way of discovering your best you and enabling you to live your best life as God intended for you. It’s based on what I’ve learned in my own life, on what I’ve used in mentoring and counselling others, and on Biblical research and reading.

What better time to do it than now – as we re-set 2020!  Maybe August is a quieter time for you; maybe it’s a good time for reflection and re-evaluation; for going deeper and preparing for the September feeling of re-starting, beginning a new term, going back into the office for the first time since lockdown, or simply gearing up for this new normal. 

So, as promised over the past few weeks, and following the wonderful answers to the survey you kindly answered for me, I’m thrilled and excited to be working with you and offering you the first opportunity to take the SPICE RETREAT.

To sign up and join the RETREAT, click here.


-       Enable you to be your best you in everyday life, work and relationships.

-       Help you to make a lasting transformation to live your life as God intended, as he created you to be

-       Give you proven tools to become your best you, that you can use in any situation

-       Show you how God has put you together in the 5 areas that are the wells of contentment: Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Creative and Emotional

-       Show you how to arrange your days so that you are experiencing deep contentment, joy and confidence in your everyday life with God (as Dallas Willard said)

-       Give you the freedom and power to be yourself and help you to let go of who you think you’re supposed to be or who you think others expect you to be

-       Help you to come alive and be your best YOU in ways you might not even have imagined and that will last a lifetime


-       Anyone who wants to go deeper with God and discover how he created you to be

-       The person who feels lost and uncertain in life, especially in these uncertain times

-       Someone who needs to re-set and start-over, to be re-activated with a new purpose

-       Those who are created by God

The SPICE RETREAT consists of:

-       5 weekly live evening sessions, of 45-50 minutes each, that will also be recorded and available to be accessed at any time. These will include input, guided times for reflection, and other specials such as led meditations, contemplative prayer, imaginative prayer, lectio divina, and various ways to hear God speak into your life. You will have forever access to these 

-       Downloadable weekly journals, that you can keep, personalise and use at any time

-       Suggestions for how to use SPICE to create your own individual retreat at a time to suit you

-       Access to a closed Facebook group with optional discussion and feedback

-       A retreat handbook of things that will enhance the SPICE RETREAT

-       Optional One-on-one Spiritual Direction/mentoring sessions. These will be online with me via Facetime/Whatsapp/Zoom. (your preference)


The live sessions are at 6pm on Sundays August 9th,  August 16th,  August 23th,  August 30th,  September 6th  As they will be recorded,  you will have forever access, so even if you can’t do the live sessions you can have them available for a time that suits you.

Space is limited and is on a first-come basis. There is also an early bird special rate available for the first 10 people who sign up. UPDATE - SOLD OUT

The cost for the SPICE RETREAT: 

Choose one of the following options


-       5 weekly live evening sessions, of 45-50 minutes each, that will also be recorded and available to be accessed at any time. These will include input, guided times for reflection, and other specials such as led meditations, contemplative prayer, imaginative prayer, lectio divina, and various ways to hear God speak into your life. You will have forever access to these 

-       Downloadable weekly journals, that you can keep, personalise and use at any time

-       Suggestions for how to use SPICE to create your own individual retreat at a time to suit you

-       Access to a closed Facebook group with optional discussion and feedback

-       A retreat handbook of things that will enhance the SPICE RETREAT             

Bronze normal price £85   



-       everything in Bronze plus   1 x 60 minutes session of one-to-one Spiritual Direction at the end of the course to help you personalise your main takeaways                        

SILVER normal price £135  


GOLD (ONLY 6 GOLD places available) UPDATE: 3 still available

-       everything in Bronze,  PLUS  3 x once-a-month 60 minute sessions of one-to-one Spiritual Direction to help you process and personalise what you learn on the course, turning it into a lasting practical life change, with support and encouragement on your journey.  

Normal price £225   


PLATINUM (ONLY 6 PLATINUM places available)

-       everything in Bronze, PLUS

-       6 x once-a-month 60 minute sessions of one-to-one Spiritual Direction to help you process and personalise what you learn on the course, turning it into a lasting practical life change, with support and encouragement on your journey and  see you through the first 6 months of the new YOU

Normal price £375  

To sign up for the SPICE RETREAT click here 

The links for the first Sunday evening session and downloadable journal will be sent to your inbox on Saturday ready for you to be ready!


AND  - as of August 3rd, there are only 3 spaces still available on the Celtic Pilgrimage in Cornwall,  May 2021. CLICK HERE for the full details to make sure you are booked to come -  

- take time to reset your soul and be refreshed and renewed

- get away from everyday hurry and anxiety


-  learn from the Celtic saints

- meet with the Lord in daily reflections and meditations

** ** ** ** ** **

The Revd Penelope Swithinbank is an experienced pilgrimage and retreat leader, conference speaker and Spiritual Director/Therapist.  She has been leading retreats and pilgrimages for nearly 20 years, regularly leads pilgrimages in the UK and on the Via Francigena in Italy, has had an international ministry, including churches in America and the UK, and speaking on Women's Retreats and leading conferences. Her most special memory is of opening the US Senate in prayer and being guest chaplain there for a day. Penelope was the first ordained woman on the staff of The Falls Church, Virginia, where she headed up the Connections and Communications Ministry in a church of nearly 4,000. Later, she was the first chaplain at St Mellitus College, London, and then ran The Vine at Mays Farm, a Christian Retreat House providing sanctuary mostly to burned-out clergy, although normal people came too, for retreats and time out.  She now works partly as a Chaplain at Bath Abbey and partly mentoring, supporting and pastoring clergy.  Author of two books, she is a wife, mother and grandmother and says of the 6 grandchildren that they are so wonderful she should have had them first. 

  **   **   **   **

What others have said:

From someone who has regular Spiritual Direction: 

“Thank you for that very useful and in-depth session. I feel in a much better place now and am determined to press in to Christ more.” C.B.

From the leader of a women’s day retreat:

“We loved having you with us – you ‘fit’ us very well, if you know what I mean! We’ve had lots of great positive feedback and stories on Sunday of what God had been doing –   all were inspired to spend more time with the Lord.  One commented that it was great to not only have the buzz of being at a day like that but then also to have practical things to take away and do day-to-day.  You spoke brilliantly – very clear, great structure which I always appreciate! Very easy to relate to and connect with your material.  You have a lovely relaxed manner too...... it was great to have lots of practical stuff to mix things up and practise.  It made the day go incredibly quickly and didn’t feel at all like hard work!” C.H.

From an Anglican Bishop:

“Penelope is one of the finest priests I know—not “female” priest, but just “priest”. God has seen fit to combine in her high character, deep piety and a broad gift-mix. This combination makes her a wonderful guide and retreat leader for both current leaders and those who feel called to ministry. I sincerely commend Penelope and her work.”  T.H

From a grateful husband: 

“Whatever happened there this year has really lit B’s walk with Christ on fire again.  She is showing so much of the fruit of the spirit, plus she can’t get enough of ministering to people, and she feels alive in Christ too.  Really good stuff!”  A.G. 

From a previous pilgrim:

 “I will ALWAYS think of it as one of the top experiences, and it was the catalyst to begin this whole other chapter of my life — truly amazing! It was formative for me in so many ways, Penelope…thank you for providing this catalyst for transformation in my life.” M.S.


Penelope Swithinbank.png

Some midsummer madness going on here …….

Summer is here -  some days! In my part of the UK we've had days of torrential downpours, days of heatwaves (over 83F in my garden last Wednesday!) and days of just grey cloud. But most days have been clear blue sunny warmth. I love it! And I love summer. You?

But I'm also so over this lockdown thing. No, I don't want to go back to how it was before;  I'm longing to move forward into the new normal. 

So I thought it was just the time to celebrate summer and the new normal with a little midsummer madness.  There are some things in this blogpost I'm sure you'll love.

      - a new box-set of books  (Surprise!)  The third and last set.

      - booking now open for a Celtic Pilgrimage, May 2021

      - a new SPICE course. 

       - an audio book recording


The first box set at the beginning of lockdown (wow, that seems a long time ago!) had 4 books and we sold all 20 sets in just 10 days! Everyone was wanting to read during those long hours at home. Now we're all planning our holidays - YAY!  I’ve been asked by lots of people for another set, as they are excellent value. So -

For the third and final offer, I've put together a wonderful summer surprise box set ready for your summer holiday reading.

You get 3 different new books, several signed by the authors, but you won’t know which 3 until you open your parcel! The total retail value of your set is usually over £25,  but you pay only £16.50



BOOK 1:   EITHER "The Making of US" by Sheridan Voysey 

                  OR "Taking my God for a Walk" by Tony Collins 

BOOK 2:   "Walking Back to Happiness" by Penelope Swithinbank

BOOK 3:  1 FREE copy of one of the other books in the photo above


To order your set  - and there are only a limited number, so do this NOW!

CLICK HERE to go to the order page. You will enter your credit card info, your address info and then the box set will be winging its way to you! 

There are also just 8 sets of the Virtual Pilgrimage box set still available so if you're not able to go away right now, why not travel the paths of other pilgrims and read their stories? All from the comfort of your armchair.  


If you’ve already got a copy of one of them, why not give the new copy to someone for a birthday or Christmas gift? Or order a set to be delivered to a family member or friend with a birthday over the summer as a lovely surprise parcel. We can add a gift card if you email your message to penelope@ministriesbydesign.org when you order.

If you live outside the UK mainland, please note there is a surcharge for postage. 


Are you feeling the need for time out?     

Needing to reset your soul? 

Thinking of 2021 for a real restorative time away? 

With restrictions being lifted, we can begin to plan for next year, God willing. 

the old Celtic coastal pathways in Cornwall

the old Celtic coastal pathways in Cornwall

​​​​​​​BOOKING IS NOW OPEN for the Cornish Celtic Pilgrimage, walking from the furthest west of England to the furthest south - Lands End to the Lizard, along the coastal pathways often travelled by pilgrims and celts - and by the authorities trying to catch smugglers! 

​​​​​​​MAY 21-28, 2021 (Friday to Friday) 


PILGRIMAGE: the old/new way to wander, walk, think, pray - and reset your soul. To saunter along ancient paths. 

"Hiking - I don't like either the word or the thing. People ought to saunter in the mountains - not hike! Do you know the origin of that word 'saunter?' It's a beautiful word. Away back in the Middle Ages people used to go on pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and when people in the villages through which they passed asked where they were going, they would reply, "A la sainte terre,' 'To the Holy Land.' And so they became known as sainte-terre-ers or saunterers. Now these mountains are our Holy Land, and we ought to saunter through them reverently, not 'hike' through them."
~ John Muir

If you would like the full details of this 8 day holiday, walking with just 12 women, talking, praying, having time to reflect and to be with God, email me here: penelope@ministriesbydesign.org

It will be a special week, with plenty of time for resetting your soul. The walk is only 45 miles (although there are a few steep ups and downs occasionally, as it's a coastal path) and there is a day off mid week to cross to St Michael's Mount with its pilgrim chapel.  It can be seen from the house where we will be staying.

St Michael’s Mount crowned with the pilgrim chapel. Visit on our midweek day off from walking!

St Michael’s Mount crowned with the pilgrim chapel. Visit on our midweek day off from walking!

This really is a vacation with a difference, as we walk, pilgrim, pray; and set aside time for the things of God. 

There are daily devotionals, based on Cornish Celtic saints and we visit ancient churches, old villages and walk along ancient pathways.

It can be hot and sunny or cold and blustery … no matter what time of year!  

May 2018 was (mostly!) sunny

May 2018 was (mostly!) sunny

The total is 12 women (including me) from any stage or walk of life, as long as you can walk 45 miles in a week! But you'll get info in advance on how to be as fit as possible in readiness.  So, with only 11 places bookable, email now for your full information and booking form.  penelope@ministriesbydesign.org   

Why not come with a friend?

Ancient Celtic cross tombstone in a Cornish churchyard

Ancient Celtic cross tombstone in a Cornish churchyard

Sea views from the house where we will be staying

Sea views from the house where we will be staying

3.   THE SPICE COURSE : becoming your best you. 

helping you make a lasting transformation to live your life as God intended. 

I am so excited about this new course I am putting together ! Based on years of experience both in my own life and in helping those I mentor, it's a simple yet profound way to discover your best you, the YOU God made you to be. 

Screenshot 2020-05-26 at 21.30.21.jpeg

Many thanks to all those (97 ! THANK YOU! ) who filled in the survey for me about SPICE. 

I bit the bullet and complained to the host company who then allowed the option of paying a month's fee,  so that I could see more than the free 40 replies! And it was well worth it for all your comments and suggestions. 

Almost 70% would prefer a downloadable ebook/course with some online input.

85% would prefer 3 one hour (max) online sessions, over 3 weeks.

45% wanted most of the content to be input/speaking/teaching, with the rest spread evenly between reflections, readings, and online participation from attendees.

And then your lovely comments! People praying for me as I plan and write it; people wanting to sign up immediately; suggestions about formats; pleas for personal sessions with me to follow up. 

Having read the survey, prayed and thought carefully, and reflected, I feel the course will be a package  with options: 

  • a downloadable ebook and access to a closed Facebook group

  • 3 sessions (one a week) live on the closed Facebook group, but able to be accessed at any time after they're posted. 

  • the option of 1, 3 or 6  (spread out over a few weeks or even months) one-to-one 45 minute sessions with me afterwards via FaceTime or Skype or Zoom. 

SPICE will be available in just a few weeks,  so that you can do it over the summer.

Details about how to sign up will be coming soon.

AND FINALLY - not just a paperback, not just on Kindle …..



Finally, some great news - 'Walking Back To Happiness' is being professionally recorded June 29 & 30 as an audio book and will soon be available for you to download and listen to. Please pray for me as I read it aloud over the 2 days and for the technology to work! 

If you skimmed through to the end, you missed

  • the Summer Surprise Box Set  - click here to order it

  • the Celtic Pilgrimage in Cornwall - email for full info

  • info about SPICE. Full details coming soon!​​​​​​​

  • ​​​​​​​the audio book of Walking Back to Happiness 

Enjoy your summer - may your days be filled with the surprising blessings God sends us. He's a God who loves you and delights in you and just enjoys being with you. I hope you enjoy being with him, too.  How do you best do that?  

Me? I'm off for a walk, of course!

- Penelope