Living Adventiously
What a week! What an Advent week!
At the start of the week, some clergy arrived for a 3 day Advent Retreat. At the end of the week a group gathered in the Chapel for an Advent Away Day.
from Anne Voskamp's book "The Greatest Gift"
From collecting twigs on a muddy walk to creating a twiggy Cross to hang on our Christmas trees; from recounting our family trees to planting bulbs (to watch and wait for a shoot to spring forth) ; from drinking mulled wine to sharing communion together. And through it all, the story of LOVE and PURPOSE, of a Baby who came to die. Of a Baby whose grace is for me - for you - for each one of us.
And this. This. Thank you Jamie Brown for this: (click on that to hear an extract)
His tiny little hands will be nailed to a tree
His precious little feet will be pierced through for me
And his soft little lips will bless and forgive
Oh beautiful baby boy
His tiny little chest will be whipped and flogged
His precious little head will be stained with his blood
And his soft little cry will beg for my life
Oh beautiful baby boy
Oh beautiful baby boy. Oh holy Lamb of God
Away in a manger lies our perfect sacrifice
Oh beautiful baby boy
His tiny little eyes will seek out the poor
His precious little arms will welcome the whore
And his soft pudgy face is the image of grace
Oh beautiful baby boy
Living Advently - watching and waiting for a shoot to spring forth from the stem of David, a Baby, a beautiful baby boy. Who came for you and for me and for each one of us.
Oh beautiful baby boy.
Amen. Even so, Come quickly Lord.
* * * *
And during the week, we offered two free nights on retreat at The Vine in return for tweeting/sharing/subscribing about the Vine. The winner's name was pulled from a Mays Farm mug containing all the names of those who entered, by one of Mb's Trustees. Wendy Beech Ward was delighted when she discovered she had won! Congratulations to Wendy and many thanks to all of you who tried. Don't forget to book your own retreat for next year - whether Silent, Individual, walking or Chocolate, there's plenty to choose from but they are beginning to fill up so book soon!
Diana picking a name