3 Ways for a joyful October. What's yours?
You've probably noticed it's October 1st today.
The start of the last quarter of the year.
Seemed a good day to write and encourage you - onwards and upwards for the rest of the year!
I'm fortunate to be away with my husband on a delayed 'summer' holiday, walking almost 140 miles of the coastal path of the north Cornwall coast. Day One was scary - the Atlantic gale and the rains grew worse and worse and the squalls apparently were up to 45 miles an hour; it was scary on the cliff tops and it was a day of tremendous ups and downs - the device logged that we had climbed over 250 flights, which means we came down them too. It was an 'interesting' experience ...
Some of the paths were a little scary over the next couple of days too.
Up and down, steeply, sharply, up and down again.
By days four and five I was back into the swing of walking, the weather was delightful and we climbed to some beautiful cliff tops - the right hand picture below is The Rumps (yes, rumps) on Pentire Head, just north of Padstow. The left is on top of a stile.
You can tell just how elated I am to be doing long distance walking again!
It brings me JOY and feeds my soul.
Even though it makes my glutes and thighs shout.
And doesn't 2020, what's left of it, need some JOY?
And - doesn't your soul need feeding too?
I love this painting by Edward Potthast
- especially now as I'm by the sea.
Somehow, simply being by the sea is exhilarating.
Choose joy, wrote Henri Nouwen.
Which is all very well, but some days it doesn't feel possible - even though you know it feeds your soul.
I know that when I return home from Lands End, there'll be that 'end of holiday' drop.
Plus the current world situation to cope with - and the way we're all feeling tired of it already, anxious about the future, scared that Christmas won't happen, fearful that 2021 may not be any better.
You too?
What can we do to help one another choose joy?
Here are three suggestions - A.R.T.
1. ASK
John 16:24 "Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete."
Ask for Joy?
It's one of the fruits of the Spirit - number two on the list.
Let's just ASK each morning for the joy of the Lord to be our strength for the day.
Just for today.
Have you joined JOYTOBER? It's brilliant. 31 ways to be more joyful in October!
Day One, today, it suggests being thankful for your home.
Click here for the link and on the Joytober page there's a link to the Facebook page
for 31 days of ways to be thankful in October.
3. TRY something new.
By trying something new (even if it’s just for 30 days), you’ll gain huge benefits for yourself —emotionally, physically, creatively, and more. You can read more about those here. And Matt Cutts gave a brilliant TEDX talk about trying something new for just 30 days. Start tomorrow and that'll take you to the end of October. Perfect.
What new thing will you do for 30 days that will bring you joy?
How about THE SPICE RETREAT - By the end of this new online retreat, you’ll know how God made you YOU, you’ll know your best YOU, and you’ll be able to be your best YOU in everyday life, work and relationships. No matter what is going on around you.
Here's what one person wrote after doing this retreat:
"A good basic grounding in spiritual disciplines that make you think about strengthening and valuing each aspect of life, to be true to and value your real self and grow deeper in the knowledge of God’s love. It really encouraged me to continue to take the steps I needed to take to become freer and enjoy life ...... it was a real blessing and God given for this time. " - Jackie S
We each need a little more joy in our lives, you and me both, to feed our souls with what energises and invigorates us, to allow ourselves the time (and the permission!) to BE JOYFUL. I read somewhere recently that while self-flagellation may have ceased, today our equivalent is over-working, not allowing ourselves time off or time for fun.
Let me know what you plan to do to help you choose Joy in October ... and maybe for the rest of 2020 too.
Have FUN and CHOOSE JOY - Be joyful in the Lord
- Penelope