Much loved stairs


Old stairs, worn and caressed by the feet of centuries, nibbled by a worm or a beetle, twisting up to attics of memories and rafters.

I love them already. Soon, they will be the stairs of my new home, leading me up and on, a promise of things to come, places to be, excitements of exploration.

Representation of an incline, a tread, to things as yet unknown. Warm to my touch in the late summer sunshine, enticing me upwards, onwards. Following the One who walks ahead, one step at a time.

To a place of His glory, His choosing.

"I do not know what lies ahead, the way I cannot see

But One stands near to be my guide, He'll show the way to me.

I know who holds the future and He holds it in HIs hands.

With God things don't just happen, everything by Him is planned.

So as I face the future, with its problems large and small

I'll trust the God of miracles, give to Him my all."

- Eugene Clark