Are you ready for what lies ahead? 

Social media, magazines and newspapers are awash with suggestions and advice about how you might best deal with the ‘unprecedented’ situation, how you can best survive the next six months, how you can find the key to health and happiness now in spite of what is happening all around us.

‘The Times’ recently recommended cooking outside on a winter barbeque, refuelling with hot chocolate after a run, taking a nap during the day with the curtains drawn, and learning how to pickle cucumbers. 

Really? Learn how to pickle cucumbers?  

Jamie Oliver seems to pickle cucumbers …..

Jamie Oliver seems to pickle cucumbers …..

Moving on swiftly ….

What do you need to be ready for WHATEVER may lie ahead? 

 Like most people, you probably don’t know what lies ahead and you fear the worst. Actually, isn’t that true for most of us most of the time? We none of us knows what lies ahead even though we plan and prepare and presume that what we schedule and diarize will indeed happen. Eventually. Somehow. 


Anthony Robbins, the American motivational speaker and author, (I know, a Marmite situation, love it or hate it...) said, 

People are shaped not by how things go when things are going well; people’s lives are shaped by the most difficult times. … This is your time for training, for practice, to prepare for what’s ahead…I guarantee you, winter will end, and when it does you will emerge that far ahead.  You will have taken your life to a new level.

How will your life be shaped in these difficult times? 

Are you ready for what lies ahead? 

How will you take your life, your walk with God, your spirituality, to a whole new level? 
What will help you to prepare and to go deeper with God?

One thing that will happen in spite of Covid and economic downturns and whatever else life throws at us, is December 25th.  Unless they change the very calendar before then (anything is possible right now, right?!)


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December 25th. Remembering the birth of Emmanuel, God with us.


Maybe not in the way we normally remember and celebrate.

Maybe there will need to be new creative ways, less commercialism, (there’s always hoping!) other ways to celebrate the Saviour’s coming.


The Christian Church has traditionally prepared for Christmas and the coming of the Christ child through the four weeks beforehand, the time known as Advent. Perhaps this year, as lockdowns increase and uncertainty and fear surround us, it’s a good year to concentrate even more on the things of God. 

To prepare for the coming of the Saviour.

To celebrate and remember Advent.

Not just the giddy opening of advent calendars filled with luscious chocolates (for the young) or gin or whisky (for the slightly older). But the burning of beautiful advent candles in church and at home. The hanging of a Jesse tree and its ornaments and verses. Special daily readings, such as Lucy Rycroft’s “Redeeming Advent” or Vicki Cottingham’s daily devotional. 

But also a really special time of preparation, a time when it’s just you and God, allowing him the time and space to speak into your life? Here’s one especially for you: 

An Advent Retreat 

for uncertain and unprecedented times -

An Individual Guided Retreat (online)


Where: your own special Sacred Space. This is online. No need to worry about social distancing, masks, or what to wear! Relax in your comfy chair with your favourite brew , in your pjs if you like, and experience the presence of God in an unhurried and special way.

When:  Saturday November 28th 2020 – the day before Advent begins so that you are ready to step into Advent itself. (but you can do it at any time - read on…)

What: The Three Questions. Looking at three very specific questions asked by people in the months and weeks leading up to the birth of Jesus. They were living through uncertain and unprecedented times; they each had difficult personal situations; they each had their worries and concerns. Sound familiar? 

There’ll be some input, some time for personal reflection, some led meditation/ Imaginative prayer times.  And a downloadable journal for you to keep and write in.


9.30am -12.30 pm  (GMTLondon)                

Session One: The Question of Disappointment 

Session Two: The Question of Inadequacy/self-esteem

Session Three: The Question of Control


There will be a 5 minute ‘comfort break’ between each session.


The sessions will be recorded and you’ll be able to watch them whenever you like, so if you aren’t able to join us on 28th November, or if you are living in a different time zone, you’ll still be able to benefit from this retreat .


The cost includes:

-       three hours on retreat

-       teaching and input

-       forever access to the recordings 

-       a downloadable journal 

-       resources 

-       and a special free gift just for you.

-       Three hours for you to spend extra special time with God, something you might not actually get around to on your own! 


All this for just £20.  All you need to provide is yourself, a pen and somewhere comfy to sit, and a cup of coffee or tea – or hot chocolate! YAY!

Come and join us on November 28th for just three hours that will probably change the way you celebrate Advent and then Christmas this year.  

 Click here to join the online ADVENT RETREAT.


One thing before you go - here’s a little video to help you cope in these (dare I say unprecedented!) challenging times. It’s Bath Abbey’s Thought For the Day, one I was privileged to record a few weeks ago. Enjoy!

Did you skim read to the end??!! The most important bit is to prepare and get ready - you can find the link here to join the Advent Retreat on November 28th.

There are some affiliate links in this blog post. If you click through to buy one of the books, I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you! But absolutely no pressure and it’s great if you can order these from your local Christian bookshop.




Do you have Christmasitis?

Christmas is coming ... 


It's been in the shops for some time. Friends are boasting of starting (or in one case finishing) their Christmas present buying.

The countdown has begun. As I write, the timer tells me there are a mere 65 days to go.

I am still traditional enough that I would really like to put up the Tree on Christmas Eve and leave it up until Twelfth Night on January 6th, the Feast of the Epiphany.  Now, I am not holding anything against those of you who have been ready for months, but you may have a problem. You may be addicted to Christmas which can result in Christmasitis. So, to see if you suffer from this, 5 quick questions to help you determine if you have contracted this disease. Give yourself a point for every question you answer with yes.

1. Did you buy any of this year’s Christmas presents or decorations  at the ‘after Christmas sales’ in January?

2. Have you ever bought an artificial tree because real ones don’t last long enough?

3. Do you have the Christmas countdown clock bookmarked on your computer?

4. Are you convinced that this year Christmas will be even more special than ever before?

5. Have you already planned what to wear on Christmas Day?

*  *  *  *

So - do you have Christmasitis?

Are you ready for Christmas?

Normally when this question is asked, people mean do you have the tree up and decorated? Have you sent the cards out? Finished buying all the presents?

But for some of us,  “Are you ready for Christmas?”  means - Are you ready for the coming of the Lord Jesus?

Isaiah 40:3  “A voice of one calling: ‘In the desert, prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God. Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.’ ” 

And if we are honest many of us have to say - no, not really, I'm too busy getting ready for Christmas and all it entails.

*  *  *  *  

Here at The Vine at Mays Farm, our new retreat house, we want to help you to be ready for Christmas! It's not too late to think about getting ready - being prepared - spending a few hours - to prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord.  And to make it even easier for you, there is a choice of dates,  each giving the opportunity to take a couple of nights away from the hurly burly that is the world preparing for Christmas, and think about CHRISTmas.





Dec 9-11          Mainly for clergy and those in full-time ministry. Arrive Monday late afternoon, leave Wednesday after lunch

Dec 13-15       Weekend retreat, open to all. Arrive Friday late afternoon, leave Sunday after lunch.

Stressed already with thinking about preparations for Christmas? Needing some space to be reminded of what the next few weeks are really about?  This Advent Retreat will include brief meditations, times of silent reflection, some prayer and worship. Sit by a roaring wood burner to have some down time; enjoy a brisk country walk to clear the mind; have an early night and a long sleep in a comfy bed  - with breakfast in bed the next morning if you would like.

Led by Penelope Swithinbank, it will be fairly casual-- the whole idea is to have a place and time to escape the madness of the Christmas rush! Take just a few hours to be intentional about watching and waiting for the coming of the King and it could make all the difference to your Christmas this year. 

2 nights full board: £90 per person sharing twin room with ensuite bathroom; £110 single occupation of twin room with ensuite bathroom


FOR FULL DETAILS OF THE VINE AT MAYS FARM RETREAT HOUSE  - take a look at our new website! It's the retreat part of Ministries by Design

To book your place on one of the Advent retreats, either :



phone 01666 838332

Places are limited: The Vine at Mays Farm is a Retreat House with a difference. With only 5 individually furnished ensuite spacious guest bedrooms, it is intimate and never too busy. Everything is tailored to you and your needs to get away and meet with God. The house has been totally renovated and guests have access to a library, sitting room (both with wood-burning stoves) and a Chapel with a baby grand piano which loves to be played. There are also walled front and rear gardens (complete with vine) for use when the weather is clement and many lovely local walks; and underfloor heating throughout the ground floor to make sure you are cosy (bedrooms have central heating, in case you were worried!)