How to set your spirit free to soar

If you missed the earlier chapters on Setting Your Spirit Free to Soar, you can find them here:

What keeps you pinned to your perch?



30 JUN

The birdcage is beautiful: an old-fashioned domed one made of brass bars. It’s sitting in the window of an antique-y sort of junk shop, still intact and complete with a single static perch stretching across its width. Sitting on the perch is a stuffed bird, of faded blue/black foliage, dark of beak and beady of eye, its head drooping and desolate. Poo…

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7 ways to be Fully Alive



23 JUN

Don't we all long for a sense of vitality and presence in our everyday lives? In today's fast-paced world, feeling truly alive can often seem like a distant dream. We go through the motions, ticking off to-do lists, meeting deadlines, and fulfilling obligations, but rarely do we stop to reflect on what it means to live fully.

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What's your biggest fear?



16 JUN

OK, so I’m afraid of water. Can’t swim, never have liked water in my eyes and ears and up my nose. Whether that’s in the shower or the pool. I think it’s a fear inherited from my mother, who couldn’t swim, didn’t like the ocean, and sat on the beach while my father, a champion swimmer for his county, tried to teach me to swim. I was terrified as he held…

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The Birdcage and metathesiophobia




It was a startling image. An old fashioned birdcage, the door wide open; and a little bird sitting mournfully on its perch, not daring to escape and soar free. And I could sense that it’s me. Perhaps you too. Of course it is! Held in our own cages, our spirits downcast, wanting to be free to soar - yet something is holding us back. The bars of the cage …

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