TWO FREE BOOKS - this weekend only: February 26/27


Enjoy two FREE Kindle/ebook downloads

Thanks to the generosity of my publisher, following the enormous success of the free downloads a couple of weeks ago, both WALKING BACK TO HAPPINESS and SCENT OF WATER are free to download as ebooks again for 48 hours.​​​​​​​

THANK YOU to everyone who downloaded them and helped to put Walking Back to Happiness at the no 1 spots!

Here's what I was sent by the publisher:

So here is the offer for one last time - tell EVERYONE you know to download them while they're free!


You do miss out on the beautiful colour photography in each of the books though

so you'll need the 'real' editions too!

Did you know that WALKING BACK TO HAPPINESS is also available as an Audio book?

The AUDIO BOOK (not included in the free offer, alas!) means you can listen to me reading it (with my husband also reading his thoughts)

From an email I received earlier this week from M. S. in the USA:

I want you to know, I LOVE the book! I really like it! It’s absorbing. And because I know you and Kim, it adds another layer of the experience of hearing you process your life, your marriage, your ministry experiences, and your heart. Thank you for being so open and so vulnerable with us. I’m about 1/2 through, and all I can say is, I want to visit some of these villages in France and sample some of the food. I think I can do without being chased by vicious dogs, but them aside and the rain! it just sounds like it was such a deeply healing, restorative time for you and Kim. Praise God!

You can find the links for the audio and the ebooks, as well as the lovely 'proper' copies if you click here

And ‘SCENT OF WATER - words of comfort in times of grief’ has been endorsed by Debbie Thrower for use in the work of THE ANNA CHPLAINCIES.

Hop on over for the free downloads to wherever you normally download ebooks!


Do please tell everyone you know!

It would be lovely to get to number 1 again!

Once you’ve read the books, do post a review wherever you can - it makes a HUGE difference in the life of a book, and it would be so much appreciated if you would do that. Thank you!