How can we look back with God in order to move forwards? Penelope Swithinbank shares from her years of spiritual direction how she helped someone recalibrate her decision-making process as she discerned her movements towards and away from God through the prayer of examen. I love the hands-on nature of Penelope’s exploration of this prayer practice, which can enrich our lives. - Amy Boucher Pye
Laura twisted her fingers and heaved a deep sigh.
‘I really don’t know what to do,’ she said. ‘I think my job’s about to be made redundant; my parents aren’t well and maybe I should move closer to them, but I love my job, my church and my home here. How do I know what God’s plans are for me? What if I step out of His plans?’
As her spiritual director/counsellor, I felt God nudging me to give Laura a challenge. I suggested to her that for the next month, four whole weeks, she should ask herself two questions last thing at night.
First, a question of consolation. ‘What am I thankful for today?’ ‘Where have I known true joy today?’ Or, ‘Where did I see God at work?’
And then a question of desolation. ‘Where did I fail God today?’ ‘Where was I not at peace today?’ ‘When or where was I not content, not filled with God’s Spirit?’
I suggested Laura jot down her answers to the questions, just briefly, so that in a month’s time she’d notice any patterns, anything important, anything that the Lord wanted to point out or suggest to her. Laura agreed to the challenge and was ……
7 Ways to Pray by Amy Boucher Pye is out now.
You can buy Amy’s wonderful new book here:
If you’d like to have a go at the 7 ways to pray, Amy has a 7 day devotional which you can download for free here
Do you ever wonder what to say to help someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one?
Or maybe you’ve lost a loved one yourself?
SCENT OF WATER - words of comfort in times of grief is a lovely gift book to give, to receive, to dip in and out of as you appreciate the words, the pictures, the reflections and the quotes.