Can you spring clean your soul with a FRESH NEW TREAT
Spring cleaning.
Does anyone do it anymore? After the long dark days of winter, taking a breath again and letting the sunshine in and seeing all the dirt and dust it reveals. Cleaning all those hard-to-reach places, the curtains and carpets, the blankets and pillows; airing the house and polishing the windows.
No, me neither. Maybe we don't create as much dirt as we used to? Or we clean everything 'properly' these days more regularly?
What I DO feel is needed, though, is what I'm calling a "soul spring clean." A FRESH NEW TREAT after what may have been the long dark night of the soul; or the exhaustion of Lent and Holy Week followed by the exhilaration of Easter.
Maybe it's only exhausted clergy who see the humour in this? It appeared on social media last week but I can't discover who was responsible so that I could get permission to post. Let me know if you know who it belongs to!
Like the dust and dirt in my house showing up in the spring sunshine, there are areas in my soul which need dealing with. Maybe you know that feeling too? And maybe it's time to do something about it? Before it's too late and summer comes full tilt into our lives and we've forgotten the spring cleaning we intended to do.
What we need is A FRESH NEW TREAT for our souls.
Here's the recipe:
- Take 1 freshly spring cleaned retreat centre (the Volunteer Week worked wonders!)
- Add some new ingredients, including creative worship, locally sourced fresh ingredients for meals, exciting new retreat ideas and dates
- Stir in some treats, such as some pampering, wine with supper included in the price, a 25% discount for all those in full time Christian ministry
- Rest and allow to steep. Allow the peace and presence of the Lord to come streaming deeply into you, into the real you, in a way you've perhaps not had time or inclination to do recently. Take time to do some spring cleaning of your soul.
- swirl with a giant swizzle stick, and savour.
- To enjoy at its best, taste soon. Take a taste - come and join us. A retreat at The Vine is delicious!
For full details of retreats at The Vine, click here.
THE VINE: A sanctuary in which God's workers feel cherished, rested and closer to God - to bear more fruit
Jesus said: I am the Vine .. remain in me .. and bear much fruit (John 15)