welcome - and take a pew

It's been a busy week. Within 8 days of moving into Mays Farm we had had 8 people to stay - lovely retreatants who came and took time to retreat, time to help us decorate and unpack, time to be away from 'normal' life. They coped with perpetual dust, builders everywhere - and glorious sunshine, walks with the dog (who led the way and helped them not to get lost) meals in the walled garden, communion in the library, lectio divina, prayers and meditations ... it's been a good week! And they were so encouraging.

"Thank you for not cancelling!"

"I loved my room! And especially the shower and the posh smells - that feels luxurious!"

"I wish I could stay longer and use more of the 'tools' for a silent retreat - they were really useful, thank you!"

"I loved the garden! I really mean the hammock! And the peace - and being able to do my own thing."

"I cannot tell you enough how blessed (yes, really!) I have been to come here. God has stilled my frantic heart through everything I've done and not done and for that opportunity I thank you."

"God is definitely at work in this place and throughout the building; he's working through you both too, whether you're exhausted or full of energy!"

"The daily devotional was a really important time when God spoke more clearly than at other times! Despite its unfinished state I still found it to be a place of peace and refreshment. It already feels a 'sacred space.'"

"Would love to come back when it's finished."

* * * *

Of course, they mentioned the dust .. and the noise of the builders ... and the lack of places other than the garden to sit , although the little village church proved to be a wonderful refuge too. And already there are more places inside to sit and be; and things are getting sorted. The builders are very nearly finished though, and we are daily seeing progress.So - here are a few snapshots of the latest improvements to help whet your appetite.






Booking now for the autumn so make sure you find time to come!